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Mage Cloud Sprite Animation by Kenna Savitri Marar


Haunt - Interactive Animation

An exploration in how animation can be used interactively - Haunt is a short online game where you talk to a friendly ghost and see what he has to say. You can try it for yourself here. This was a design heavy project for me, as well being an entirely new opportunity to work with Javascript in animation. It was incredibly fun working with a voice actor to bring this spooky experience to life. 

Farseek - Side Scrolling Beat-em-up

A personal project I was absorbed into with some friends - as a team of 3 people we have been trying to develop a scrolling beat-em-up action game. I am in charge of all the animations in the game and help out the artist whenever I can. We are still developing branding, marketing, GUI, enemy sprites, game play mechanics and locations. We aim to continue showing it at game jams and indie dev showcases as we continue to grow the project. 

Riverside Canoes - Website Header Bar

With the help of web developers I was able to enhance this local company's header bar with graphics that animate when hovered over.

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