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Sound Waves


While the sound design in these next projects was my main focus, I also created all of the visuals that go along with the audio.

Bubblegum Synth - Original MIDI Score

While audio engineering and sound design aren't my main focus, I do have experience with Garage Band, Audacity, and Adobe Audition. For this animation I wanted to create a custom score to highlight the movement of the character and used MIDI and music loops to create it - matching beats to certain keyframes even. 

Colony Collapse Disorder - Voice Over

I can also record dialouge from an actor and clean it up to sound clean and crisp. In this video I present a short essay on the implications Colony Collapse Disorder and it's effect with a motion graphic.

Haunted Walk - SFX Envoirnment 

Especially useful for animation, I can create an audio landscape and environmental background. I overlay foley, sound effects, and atmospheric instruments to set a mood and location even before you have any visuals. Some of the sound effects were recorded by me out in the field, while others were compiled from sites like

Lady Biri's Euology - Emotional Voice Over

I spend alot of time playing Dungeons & Dragons and other TTRPG's, but after the death of one of my longest run characters, a gold dragonborn, I had the person who played her apprentice write a euology and record it. I cleaned up the audio and illustrated a simple visual to go along with it. Other than the emotional delivery by the voice artist, I think adding the clapping and other sfx through out really add that pang sadness and reverence. 

Laughter's the Best Medicine - Lip Sync Animation

In this video I breakdown how I go about doing lip sync in character animation. Garage Band is especially nice for this because I can import my animations right into my timeline and really coordinate all the sound. 

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